Cash Flow Quadrant. Where are YOU at?

by pinkwhaleclub

In this video, there is a part stuck in my head where David Sharpe is talking about the cash flow quadrant. He asked if “you are a business owner, could you leave your job for 30 days without any problem?”

This is an interesting question!

Many people think that they have a life, a nice business running well, family, everybody seems to be happy, have money in the bank…


What does it take to keep it up? How many hours you have to invest every day in the business? What is the “ROI”? If you have to “work hard” for the lifestyle, it is not bad actually but there is something better. The term “work hard” was a key motivation for the working class about 50 years ago and they were proud hard workers. At that time they believed that abundance is available only by hard work but today, it is different. It is not necessary to work hard to succeed. The point is how do you use your time and energy.

Life is about enjoying it and NOT working hard for a living. Even if you have all the money in the world, it just doesn’t worth the time You have to miss out on your Real Life, your family time, or “MY quality time” with me,  to keep up your financial situation.

If You know what I mean and the thought popped into your head right now and said:” I know but where is the time for this? I have a lot going on … blablabla…” then THIS is your ALARM!

Probably You should step back a bit and have a deep look at your life. Look at your husband’s or wife’s eye and see if the smile is real or she is just happy to see you finally at least for those quick minutes or hours you can stay home without messages or calls.

Think your days over, your weeks, months, and create an objective opinion about your situation. What would be that?

Do you like your future perspective?

If NOT click here  

Listen to Dave well. He is a genius, helps people from all around the world to create time and abundance. His students are succeeding fast, realizing the opportunities he is talking about and getting into action. Their attention to students is more than excellent and that’s one of the reasons why they are so successful.

You can also check out our page to get the best tools to help you to create more Time.

Once You have it, spend it wisely!

I hope You enjoyed this article.


Attila Klopfer

Written by pinkwhaleclub

Changing the World together !!!


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