The legacy of the PinkWhale Club

by pinkwhaleclub

In the previous post, I wrote about the motives which drove me to go online. Let me continue my journey into the shallow depths (not a rabbit hole).

About 7 months ago I enrolled in my first course. The business builder challenges with Legendary Marketer. It was fun! I have a mentor, whom I can talk to and got a lot of good advice and motivations while learning on video training about click funnels, AWeber, and  ClickBank… 

I like challenges! 🙂

Ok, so what’s the big deal here? I’ve learned an email responder is needed – we made friends at the end, but sometimes “it does my head in! Like if you can’t reach me by use Facebook please, and sorry for the inconvenience, I’ve been working on it. )


After AWeber and link setup, it needs to be promoted.

Nowadays, Dave Sharpe comes to my mind when he says the same “… and put it on social media to the“ dry grasshopper… (I’m not native English so I apologize for the expressional, mish-mash) 

Warrior+, ClickBank? Still today, I can’t get in contact with them due to my restricted accounts. In the meantime writing newsletters to my “list” created from my private list of courses (but not everybody! ;). My grandma loves the letters I write. My dad also likes to comment on my Facebook posts about my shaving habits and reminding me of the hair-dresser. 

Sure… I’m his “little” son and he has no idea about the main purpose of the photo, which is an Ad to get my first sale! 😀  


It’s so annoying! …You know…sitting, and checking, UUU! I got 23 clicks already…

And my dad made the first comment, “Why are you not shaved and why is your hair so long? You look like a trump.” 

Thanks, dad…-delete the comment.

By now he stopped doing it. 😀

I still didn’t have any opt-ins. hmmm …


After I met click funnels and other site-building platforms,  I might have felt too confident. But it helps me understand and how to use the tool, I wanted to make a CBD page and plan to promote it to earn money.


Why CBD?


 I was going back home after 8 years living in Asia. Spending most of my days teaching and guiding dive trips.

One day, my grandpa was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I spent the last 4 months with him. I tried to convince my family to try to cure him with medical cannabis, but they just ignored it because they don’t have any idea about it. 

Even the doctors knew that there was no hope. They still gave him strong chemicals, destroying his immune system.  One day, I got permission to get the medical cannabis, but the package arrived the day after he died. His liver and kidneys were destroyed by the strong and useless medications and all this for nothing.  I was very upset and sad. “If I hadn’t waited for the family’s permission…” 


That was the first trigger that made me create the PinkWhale Club. However,  I am clueless about how to start. I just wanted to create a platform for people where they can research alternative ways to heal instead of ‘western medicine’, known for treating the symptoms instead of curing the illness in most cases. Have you ever read the prescription for any of these “medicines”? Basically, you take it for a headache and you die from the side effects…


…so I wanted to try to sell CBD …

…and this day the Pinkwhale Club CBD was created!

I’d seen the video through my course about getting products.  So I used GOOGLE! (Finally, it’s already automatic) and started to research CBD affiliate programs and it went GREAT! I was very happy with the results and that I progressed well. I was sure to make some money soon… max 1-2 months…

I started to build a ‘nice’ landing page that can be linked to AWeber … But something was not good… I needed a professional email address. Ok, let’s google, and get one.

…I needed a name. 

I’d never thought about a business name, to be honest. I just jumped in the middle of the make money online story… 🙂 Started thinking, but nothing came to me. One day, I was looking for some photos and logos and found a “pink whale”. It really touched me. I don’t know why. But I thought it’s a perfect symbol of what I wanted to create. Very unique! Everybody remembers a pink whale. It represents nature. I wanted a club to gather people, and help change the world. Where we all take part to heal and help those who struggle in mental health. Here is the place where humanity can unite and walk as one towards a peaceful, happy, and meaningful future. The place to help each other on the road, sharing information, ideas, plans, etc. It may sound naive, but I mean it! I want the pink whale to represent the service for humanity….But how am I going to create an autoresponder landing page??? That’s another story.

So I got the name! PinkWhale Club! I love it!! How cool is that! 

Now, I had to choose. My click funnels cost 100 $ a month. If you are on a low budget you may come across the platform Builderall. It’s cheap and great but all my staff is in click funnels. …The time and money were just ticking and I was messing with landing pages on different platforms. Connecting this here, and there…Running stupid unnecessary circles with not much effectiveness. Aside from getting more familiar with the process, practicing, building pages, funnels, and gaining knowledge and experience. I came from a totally different world. I was only using the internet for scrolling Facebook and checking emails. Now, I’m actually building funnels, using an autoresponder, and getting a basic understanding. That’s profit already.  I thought, I knew  “how good I was doing”…I still got clicks on my Legendary link. I was super happy. …but still no sales…

 Ok! Let’s try something different.

I know that organic traffic is the best but I’m shy about video yet (I’ve been working on it!)  I may come up with some video material in the future. I had some tries on TikTok back in the days when we had the TikTok challenge!

On  Facebook. I was posting all day, everything came across, about the Universe, quotes, videos in different subjects but no one even bother to like and engage with my post. So what now?!

Free ads! Solo ads! 

What an Idea! I will have a list of 17000 mail addresses for 5$. For Sure I’ll buy the whole week. Imagine the profit, lets say 1% buy rate 170* 20$ is 3400$ if I use the CBD link and I can’t even imagine the profit if I think about the link of Legendary. Oh, Maaan, I’m sorted. I thought! 😀

It was 98% open and 0 sales. 😀

Upps! However,  the clicks on my Legendary link are heading up, reaching 100 but not even 1 opt-in, and the time and my money are going… I know I have to be patient and keep doing and learning and it” takes time…” I saw the posts every day “I got my first sale! I had my first 5000 weeks after 1 week I’ve finished the challenge…!”  It’s nice to see people succeed, it means the problem is in what I do. What I don’t do what they do? How they do it? Maybe my links don’t work or the funnel is not good? There are many possibilities but one thing is sure. Those hitting the record so fast must be in this for way longer than me, or so probably. I shouldn’t freak out. I will get there one day. 😉

The story is not even close to the end so stay tuned. You can find out what I did and how I ended up creating the


















Attila Klopfer

Written by pinkwhaleclub

Changing the World together !!!


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